Building Update

When we think of mission fields, we often think of foreign heathen nations or Muslim countries. But what many Christians in America overlook is the fact that one of the greatest mission fields throughout the world is on our very doorstep – the Indian reservations in North America. These are some of the most overlooked and neglected people globally today. It is said that only 3% of native Americans have been reached with the Gospel. That figure is shocking considered these precious people live in North America, often within close touching distance of many Bible-believing churches.

For over 16 years, Light of the World Gospel Ministries has been committed to building a spiritual beachhead to reach the Native people in this land. God has been shining a bright light. He has been revealing Himself to a hurting community.

When Paul Malcolmson from Northern Ireland heard a testimony presented by Pat Phillips from the Omaha nation at a preachers’ conference, he was instantly touched by the reality and enormity of the need. Whilst close to 1500 preachers and their wives were at the conference Paul heard the cry. He and his wife ended up selling everything he had in Northern Ireland and moved over to the Reservation to shine a light.

Most Native Americans have not rejected the Gospel; they have largely not heard it in its purity. They are unevangelized.

But when Christians make an effort, when they reach out, when they share Christ, when they show they care, people respond. That is because the Gospel works everywhere. Light of the World Gospel Ministries is seeing God change lives. He is raising up preachers – both Native and others – to reach this generation. This new building is intended to be a lighthouse to give hope to this generation.

Light of the World Gospel Ministries have been in a 10 year battle to build a church complex on the Omaha Indian Reservation to accommodate their growing multinational congregation. There has been many political obstacles placed in the way to stop them building. With the help of First Liberty the church were able to win approval to build a multi-functional lighthouse to shine on the Reservation.  Sadly, because of the unforeseen and unnecessary delays, costs have shot through the roof since initial estimates in 2014. Prices have nearly tripled.

The background story to the beginning of this ministry from Coach Ron Brown (Nebraska)

Coach Ron Brown's Letter - Page 1

The church needed $2.2 million to pay architects and complete the exterior of the church. Approximately $2 million is needed to complete the interior. With God’s help, the church has now raised $2,120,000 in total. This is a miracle.

12 months ago, we needed $650,000 to complete Phase 1, but we now need under $80,000. We give God the glory! We feel that we are getting within touching distance of reaching our figure to complete the outside of the building. We will then need $2 million to complete Phase 2 – the inside of building.

This figure has been mainly reached from within our own congregation. Members have given sacrificially. But we have had to reach outside of our 4 walls this past 6 months. We want to thank everyone who has prayed, encouraged us and gave over that time.

Builders have completed the exterior of the building. The church now needs to pay the remaining $80,000. This is a big pressure on a small congregation. The clock is ticking. If you would like to help and see this complex built for the glory of God, please do so by hitting the donation buttons above or by writing a check directly to Light of the World Gospel Ministries at PO Box 65, Walthill, NE, 68067.

We pray that this is going to be a bright lighthouse in a dark place. It is going to be a maternity ward. The great evangelist Billy Sunday once said that: “he wanted to be a rescue ship planted within a yard of hell.”

We are presenting the need to give others an opportunity to partner with us in this great historic undertaking to serve the Native peoples. If you can help, it would be much appreciated; and if you know someone who can help please help us in getting the word out. We hope this building we are constructing is going to be a beachhead to reach NE Nebraska and the other Indian Reservations. God is raising up many young people in this church with a heart for the lost. I believe this facility is going to reach Native Americans with the good news of Christ. We owe this generation the truth. We have a great opportunity to reach them. Proverbs 29:18 says: “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”

If you have any questions, please contact us at We would be honored to talk to you.