In Memory of Braven Grey Boschult

Braven Grey Boschult was born on May 28, 2022, at 10:26 p.m. He weighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces and was 21 inches long.

He was such a blessing to his mommy and daddy, Josi and Jesse Boschult, right from the beginning. Braven was so full of love and smiles throughout his whole short lived life. He was always smiling at people and running around so happy. He also loved when his daddy would be listening to Christian music while in the shower and could always be found dancing.

Braven loved spending time with his mommy especially when he was nursing. He also loved playing with his older brother and sister and could always be found on the trampoline with them.

He also loved riding on his corn popper, and you could find him cruising around on his fire truck.

We’re heartbroken to have to say that Braven Grey was taken home to be with Jesus on Aug. 14, but we’re so comforted to know that the first face Braven saw when he opened his little eyes was Jesus’.

Braven was preceded in death by his great-grandpa Ron Boschult and Rickey Hawkes.

Braven is survived by his mommy and daddy, Jesse and Josi Boschult; siblings Kyrie and Mercy Boschult; grandparents Curt Boschult, Erin and Marta Ross, Kim Yunker; great-grandparents Ray and Julie Metcalf, Maurice Boschult and Barry and Rita Pitzer.

We loved and love Braven Grey with all of our hearts for the 15 months he was with us, and he brought so much joy to everyone he came in contact with. We look forward to someday joining our baby Braven in heaven.

(On June 5th, 2022, Braven was presented to our church congregation for the first time.)

Baby Braven Memorial

Baby Braven (Fall 2022)

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