Peter Mutayoba
Youth Leader
Since his first encounter with Light of the World Gospel Ministries, Peter’s been hooked. But it wasn’t anything special about the building that first lured him. It was the firsthand witness of the presence of God he felt in that little building. It was flowing through the authentic people congregating there and the integrity of the Pastor’s sermons. There was an underlying common ground of the people’s desire for the Holy Spirit to come and meet them. And Peter didn’t just sit on the sidelines; he looked instantly for ways to get involved with what God was doing there in the church. Whether it was being a committed member or simply driving the church van Peter wanted to do his part in the wonderful work of God, in whatever capacity he was called to by Him. Since becoming a part of the church, Mr. Mutayoba has been wed to Barabra and now has a cute little boy named Ezekiel. Peter is also our beloved Monuments of Grace Podcast Host.
