
Personal Testimonies

Here is some of the personal testimonies shared in our church. We hope you are blessed by them as much as we were.

Testimony on Alcohol from Lance Anderson (Decatur) 12/11/22

Personal Testimonies from Lisa and Megan - 11/27/22

Coach Steve Ryan's Testimony - 11/27/22

Loving One Another (John 15:12) - Ron A. - 10/16/22

Haven B. (Testimony of Birth) - August 2022

God’s Love Can Be Immensely Personal (Testimony from Ron) - 6/26/22

Braven Boschult (Testimony of Birth) – 6/5/22

Fence Painting Miracle (Steve Engelhart Testimony) – 6/5/22

Arrow H. (Testimony of Birth) – 3/27/22


James Brown (Testimony of Birth) - 2/6/2022